umask, ACL inheritance and setgid +s not working with copy from flash drive in nautilus

Andy Graybeal andy.graybeal at
Fri Sep 17 17:31:45 UTC 2010

>> I would like the files to inherit the group owner of the directory
>> (which I think i've accomplished, because it's working with both
>> nautilus and gnome-terminal, and i did this with setgid +s).
> Yes, that's what setgid +s does.
I did understand something at least :)

>> If there is another approach I should be taking, I'm open to it.  This
>> is just how I imagined my workplace would be able to work together on
>> files, and people from the Finance team wouldn't be able to 'create,
>> edit, delete' the files belonging to the Tech team, and vice-versa.  I
>> would like the ability for everyone to read everyone else's work.
> So are all the users in the Finance team in a 'finance' group and
> similarly for the tech team users? And everyone in the Finance team can
> read/write any file created by any user in the Finance team, but only
> read file created by users in the Tech team (and vice versa)?

Yes; I'm in the tech group:
andy.graybeal at buddleia:~$ groups andy.graybeal
andy.graybeal : andy.graybeal adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape dip 
video plugdev users fuse tech

And Nancie is in the finance group:
andy.graybeal at buddleia:~$ groups nancie.buerkel
nancie.buerkel : nancie.buerkel adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape dip 
video plugdev users fuse finance
andy.graybeal at buddleia:~$

Here are the ACL's on the tech folder:
andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop$ getfacl Tech/
# file: Tech/
# owner: root
# group: tech
# flags: -s-

andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop$

And here are the ACL's on the finance folder:
andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop$ getfacl Finance/
# file: Finance/
# owner: root
# group: finance
# flags: -s-

andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop$

> I'll do some more experimenting and see what I can come up with.
> Regards,
> Tony.

Let me know if you figure anything out.  I'm still wondering if I should 
be approaching this differently.


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