HTK (a tool for speech recognition ) installation on Ubuntu 10.0.4

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Sep 13 18:42:05 UTC 2010

Jitender Kiraria wrote:
> I tried to install HTK (a Tool for Speech Recognition )  on Ubuntu
> 10.0.4 But I failed......If anyone has any idea about how I can
> resolve these errors ,,,,please,,,,,,,please,,,,,please  help
> me,,,,,Its very urgent( for my Minor Project)........
> The errors are as follows........

> HGraf.c:73:77: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory

The command 

apt-file search X11/Xlib.h

tells me you need the package "libx11-dev".

> HGraf.c:74:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory

That's also in "libx11-dev".

> HGraf.c:75:21: error: X11/Xos.h: No such file or directory
> HGraf.c:77:27: error: X11/keysymdef.h: No such file or directory

These are in "x11proto-core-dev".

Maybe you need other -dev packages but that is not yet clear. I would 
suggest that you install the package apt-file and use the command

sudo apt-file update

and then search for the missing files if the next make command complains 
about missing files again.


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