Upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS (BORKED)

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Mon Sep 13 07:34:34 UTC 2010

Derek Maciel wrote:
> I've seen people create a seperate partition for /home but I never
> really knew why.

In the past it was the only way to preserve your individual settings in 
/home if you want to start with a fresh install. Nowadays it isn't 
really needed because you can choose to preserve your /home if it is on 
the / partition even with a fresh install if you don't format the / 
partition. However some people haven't noticed it yet and still propose 
a separate /home. OTOH, there may be advantages of a separate /home like 
the one from your next question:

> If I have my / partition formatted as ext4, can I make my /home
> partition as something else? That way I can access /home in Windows
> XP.

Yes, you can use a different file system on /home. But beware using FAT 
or NTFS because the Linux permissions can't be applied on those file 


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