Any suggestions, please?

rikona rikona at
Mon Sep 13 03:34:49 UTC 2010

Hello Christopher,

Sunday, September 12, 2010, 4:26:37 PM, Christopher wrote:

>> CRW>  (please subscribe):
>> Not yet. Mandriva, which I like, is about to go out of business, and
>> I'm checking the level and 'friendliness' of the support for another
>> distro. Looks pretty good in the few days I've been on this list.

CC> Again?!?

Yep -again...

CC> Sounds like this time they cannot do the phoenix trick huh?

Looks like the phoenix is exhausted. :-)

>> CRW>  Perhaps we should start marketing the sounder list in normal
>> CRW>  email here in the user's technical-only list.
>> Good idea - might be suggested in part of several long OT email
>> discussions. And - might suggest to [??] about setting up a 'ubuntuOT'
>> list.

CC> Pointers to sounder have been used in the past. A few have even
CC> subscribed because of that. But then we got some major smacking on
CC> the sounder list for BEING OT and some smart aleck dug up the
CC> ancient original purpose of the sounder list which has now been
CC> taken over by one of the devs' lists. Since the netcops are so
CC> inconsistent, we need nannies here because we have all become
CC> reticent and regressed to being children too and resort to
CC> screaming from time to time. 

The MandrivaOT list is done by an individual, not connected with
Mandriva at all, and is essentially nanny-free [there's pros and cons
to that :-) ] There must be someone here with the capability to set up
an ubuntuOT list, and avoid the nannies. Given what is being said
about 'sounder', it sounds [pun intended] like this would be a good
choice. Anyone up for that? 



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