Any suggestions, please?

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Sun Sep 12 23:26:37 UTC 2010

> CRW>  (please subscribe):
> Not yet. Mandriva, which I like, is about to go out of business, and
> I'm checking the level and 'friendliness' of the support for another
> distro. Looks pretty good in the few days I've been on this list.


Sounds like this time they cannot do the phoenix trick huh?

> CRW>  Perhaps we should start marketing the sounder list in normal
> CRW>  email here in the user's technical-only list.
> Good idea - might be suggested in part of several long OT email
> discussions. And - might suggest to [??] about setting up a 'ubuntuOT'
> list.

Pointers to sounder have been used in the past. A few have even 
subscribed because of that. But then we got some major smacking on the 
sounder list for BEING OT and some smart aleck dug up the ancient 
original purpose of the sounder list which has now been taken over by 
one of the devs' lists. Since the netcops are so inconsistent, we need 
nannies here because we have all become reticent and regressed to being 
children too and resort to screaming from time to time.

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