Serious Bug in Lucid Lynx OpenOffice Writer

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Sep 12 17:16:19 UTC 2010

On 12 September 2010 18:01, Tony Pursell <ajp at> wrote:

> Can we end this thread?  I think we agree that it is a problem with
> large/complex files in OOo 3.2.0.

YMMV. I don't agree to anything of the kind, myself; terms like "large
complex doc" are not precise enough for testing or isolating

>  We don't need any specimen files to
> prove that.

I disagree.

>  We also know that the same files do not have a problem with
> OOo 3.2.1 that will be in the upcoming 10.10 release.

Hey, look, it's your problem, not mine; I have had no issues with
arbitrarily large documents, so far.

But I must say that I find your response unhelpful and rather rude. HTH. HAND.

Liam Proven • Info & profile:
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