Any suggestions, please?

Michael Haney thezorch at
Sat Sep 11 19:25:41 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Li Li <lili_lilly at> wrote:
> Yeah-but it's still winter and cool in the southern hemisphere.  The
> predicted high for Friday at Sydney is only 20 degrees C and this is
> almost exactly the average for the date.  I don't know where Basil
> lives, but unless he's way up north around Darwin he doesn't know what
> humidity is.   I remember all of the populous places in Oz as being
> mighty dry, and that was nearly 40 years ago; I'm told it is worse now
> and last (southern) summer's fires attest to that.
> I've seen lots and lots of switching power supplies die from
> over-voltage, spikes and the like.  They can arc spectacularly.  Their
> whole method of working is very high voltages (albeit at small
> amperages) and high frequencies: this stresses the cheap components
> found in most consumer grade PSUs.  Add in the usual house dust that
> clogs them (anybody else notice that home PCs, even in the cleanest
> houses, are far dirtier than office machines?), a thunderstorm or some
> idiot hitting a power pole with a car causing an inductive spike and
> pow!
> Now I'm interested: I'll ask people at my former employer if they have
> any stats on PSU replacement frequencies, say in 100 V Japan and 250 V
> Oz for comparable equipment.

Which is why its almost always a good idea to connect your machine to
an UPS.  Some have power conditioners, which is helpful if you have
powerlines that carry a lot of noise that can muck with the

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking
of morality by religion." ~ Arthur C. Clarke
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and
politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there is no place
for it in the endeavor of science. " ~ Carl Sagan

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