Any suggestions, please?

Norman Silverstone norman at
Sat Sep 11 07:50:43 UTC 2010

< great big snip >

> You realise, of course, that the human eye is a simple lens and that the 
> image which is transmitted to the retina is, therefore, upside down. 
> Simple physics.
> So it is the brain which makes the necessary adjustments to make you 
> believe that what you are looking at is at the top when, in fact, it is 
> at the bottom.
> Which is why people in the Northern Hemisphere are under a handicap, and 
> have less brain-power to deal with things. In other words, their "CPUs" 
> are overloaded because they spend most of their brain power working out 
> what they see. Seems to affect those in North America the 
> most.....strange that...must be the magnetic field of the world as now 
> being measured by the European Space Agency GOCE..)
> On the other hand, we here being already upside down do not suffer from 
> the above as we see things the right way up naturally - except for those 
> who live closer to the Equator (like in Northern Territory or 
> Queensland) where they are in a state of confusion of what is what.

This is one of the funniest things I have read for a very long time,
thank you.


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