configuring USB wireless adapter on 10.04.1?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Sun Sep 5 13:42:02 UTC 2010

  i have an embedded system (beagleboard-xM) currently happily running
ubuntu 10.04.1.  that board has a wired net port but i don't have
access to the router that way so i want to pop out in a bit and get a
USB wireless network adapter for it to get it on the net.

  is there a page somewhere that explains how to configure such a
thing for ubuntu?  time is kind of critical so i'd like to be able to
get this up and running shortly after getting back with the adapter.
and any recommendations for the adapter itself would be appreciated
although i'm guessing any generic, name brand adapter should work
fine.  thanks.



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Top-notch, inexpensive online Linux/OSS/kernel courses


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