Odd problem with terminal

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 11:38:55 UTC 2010

On 09/04/2010 06:17 PM, ruscook wrote:
> I know I made jokes before but to be fair I think Karl has asked the wrong question because he has used the wrong command - so our answers are not making sense as we've been correcting his use of this wrong (in this instance) command.
> If I understand correctly Karl wants to delete the CONTENTS of the USB stick. NOT the MOUNTPOINT.
> Based on the info  he gave on the commands he used, we explained how to delete the mountpoint directory and explained you can't do that while the USB is mounted.
> Now Karl is even more confused - because how can you delete the files on the device if it's not mounted.....
> So we either teach him to:
> a) unmount and reformat the USB stick as a /dev/sdX partition - that will delete EVERYTHING on it.
> b) the correct command line to recursively delete the data on the stick from it's root directory/mountpoint down the directory structure.
> c) use nautilus to navigate to the first/root directory of the stick and delete all the files.
> Have I read the situation wrongly as well???
> -- 
> Kind Regards Russell
> ====================
> bikes.no-ip.info
> westcom.no-ip.info
> 2010 TCR 1 Alliance
> 2010 BMW K1300R
> Linux user #369094
> ====================
         Yes you have. The problem was that the strange numbers are what 
you get IF you format the USB memory stick and forget to enter a name. 
When I did it right I got the name and the standard lost and found on 
the new ext4 file system.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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