Odd problem with terminal

Johnneylee Rollins johnneylee.rollins at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 09:14:52 UTC 2010

> So we either teach him to:
> a) unmount and reformat the USB stick as a /dev/sdX partition - that will
> delete EVERYTHING on it.
Because Officemer, he already knows how to delete things really
well... Remember him trying to use gparted to solve every problem the
mailing list got.
> b) the correct command line to recursively delete the data on the stick from
> it's root directory/mountpoint down the directory structure.
He'll usually add random flags or use the command entirely wrongly or
even try to suggest it's the answer to every problem on the list.
Teaching people about that command when the original problem was
related to grub2. :(
> c) use nautilus to navigate to the first/root directory of the stick and
> delete all the files.
He prefers wreaking havoc in the command line.
> Have I read the situation wrongly as well???
No, you just send me html emails and don't quote anyone. :(


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