Odd problem with terminal

Steven Susbauer steven at too1337.com
Sat Sep 4 22:02:02 UTC 2010

On 9/4/2010 4:36 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
>           This is NOT on the label. I have removed all contents of
> 4083-8092/ and it still can not be removed by normal means. I'm
> convinced it is a special problem that use USB connected memory devices
> that include even a common hard drive have. I can't place blame on all
> the USB memory devices, they are not all bad.
>       It might be my computers USB system. I have no way to test this.
>       I have used umount and it fails in every case. It looks good at
> first but it fails.
>       Trying mount was a success. It showed the USB memory is mounted.

Eject the device in nautilus and it will disappear from /media.

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