
Gurus Knugum gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 15:55:56 UTC 2010

Den 2010-09-02 14:47:01 skrev Parshwa Murdia <ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:
> It is up to you, you can replace the existing system if you want to,
>> or if you have space you can shrink the existing partitions and
>> install Ubuntu as a third boot option.  Make sure you back up
>> everything important first of course.
> I am having 250 GB in all but 150 GB is for Windows which is having many
> useful softwares (right now). So for me, the only possible option would  
> be
> to use the 100 GB space in which I have Fedora 11, replacing that and
> installing Ubuntu would be okay. But if I am replacing that only, in that
> case also, should I take Windows back-up?
> I want to replace the Windows with the open-source Ubuntu but it would  
> take
> much time for a better use and implementation!

Another thing to do is to install Ubuntu to a USB memory. Then you can
start up your computer from it and you don't need to touch your HDD and
you can play around with it for a while, even install things on it. When
you really feel like you want it badly, then just install it on your
Fedora partition, or wherever you like. I would replace the Windows
partition, but you do as you like.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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