Problem with Adobe flash

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Sep 1 04:31:14 UTC 2010

On 01/09/2010 03:41, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/31/2010 06:26 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 31/08/2010 23:25, Linda wrote:
>>>> Ah, then he should ask the question in the google-related chrome mail
>>>> list/forum?
>>>> Ubuntu installs Chromium and not Google Chrome, correct?
>>>> BC
>>> No actually you can install Google chrome with the synaptic package
>>> manager.
>> You can?
>> What's the exact name of the application needed for Synaptic to install
>> Google-Chrome, please.
> (click
> the appropriate circle for your hardware) will add the repo for Chrome.
> Be sure to do 'sudo apt-get update' afterwards. If by chance it doesn't
> add the repo, see:
> Chromium is in universe. You can run them in parallel to check/test the
> differences.
> Primary differences are listed here:

Thanks for this, but the point is that Chrome is not in Synaptic - you 
need to go thru the steps you just outlined in order to get it to appear 
in Synaptic. Chromium is there, but not Chrome.


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