Unity Interface in 10.10 Netbook Edition

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Sun Oct 31 08:47:16 UTC 2010

On 29/10/2010 19:52, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
> On Friday 29 October 2010 09:21:37 am Basil Chupin wrote:
>> But it seems that the 'wacky-tobbacky' crowd has now even infiltrated
>> Ubuntu and want Gnome to be now dragged down to the level of Windows or
>> MAC.
> Unfortunately yes
>> Having said this, I am getting REALLY peed-off with the whole thing in
>> the Linux world and am considering going back to Windows.
> (...)
>> Cannot Linux come up with something original?!
> That's not what I would ask for. I would ask: who needs change?

Not the right question.

Change *for* *the* *better* is something everybody expects when they 
upgrade to the latest version of software.

It's "human nature".

But what the devs consider "for the better" to mean is to have more 
whizz-bang, flashing, multi-coloured, gizmos and plasmoids and widgets 
and Willy-Wonka's Everlasting Gobstoppers.

I hear about the next version of Ubuntu being worked on - and I want to 
try it out and see what it does. I don't want to install it as my main 
sysem, but I want to HAVE IT and install it to see what it looks like!

However, when I do this I don't necessarily get "better" but get the 
shiney whizz-bang crap which is not what I expected.

You get the drift?

> KDE 3 is a very good (in my opinion the best) Desktop Environment. I've been
> told repeatedly that it had to be changed because (apart from QT4 being
> incompatible with QT3) there were "things that it could not do", but no one
> ever told me what. So we got KDE 4 and it's plasmoids and of course the world
> is so much better.
> If you like it, give a try to Trinity...

I gave KDE away - and cannot going back to it from Gnome.

But, then, during WWII people ate rats[1] to survive so going back to 
using KDE is not so impossible :-) .

[1] In some parts of India and Africa rats are a staple food.


"Ning Yu displayed his wisdom while the country followed System, but when it did not, he acted stupid. His wisdom is achievable by others, his stupidity is not."

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