Problems installing on ACER travelmate 2301LM

Tom Rausner tom at
Wed Oct 20 18:51:44 UTC 2010

ons, 20 10 2010 kl. 10:36 -0700, skrev Li Li:

> 256 MB RAM is pretty low-spec for a full install with desktop.  This
> reference is apparently for an older version, but things get more,
> rather than less bloated over time.  It implies that you need at least
> 512 MB for an install with graphical desktop.

I know it's on the low side.. but why should it stop the harddisk from
being detected ? I was installing in text mode.

> BTW, PATA = parallel ATA or EIDE.  This is the older version of IDE hard
> disks that used 40 pin connectors and 40 conductor ribbon cables.
> Obsolete now but should work just fine.   Not enough memory is your
> problem.

Thank you, now I know that one too...
Tom Rausner
If one person thinks he's a monkey it's called insanity...
If a billion persons think they are monkies it's called evolution !

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