Problems loading new kernel

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Oct 20 09:38:44 UTC 2010

On 20/10/2010 20:10, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> I'm updating ubuntu karmic (9.04) and although I know that it is maybe
> more sensible to upgrade to Lucid I first want this problem solved.

So, you now have 3 days before support for 9.04 ends. And you need to 
upgrade to a more recent version of Ubuntu - but you don't say which one 
you are going to upgrade to.

And, in your question, you only mention the hassle with the kernel.

So, what exactly are you trying to do (except that your post is 
suggesting that you don't want anything to do with Maverick [10.10] let 
alone even Lucid)?

Sorry, but if you already know that it "is maybe more sensible to 
upgrade to Lucid..." to begin with, then why not do it, and then go further?

You must have already read the upgrading 'HowTo' in order to ask this 

Go through the officially recommended steps to upgrade any *buntu 
version and you won't have problems. Agreed- yes, no?

Or is there something I am missed in what you wrote?


"If it weren't for electricity we'd be all watching television by candlelight."
                 George Gobel

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