Vim Kung-Fu

Christopher Lemire christopher.lemire at
Sun Oct 17 07:37:41 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Christopher Lemire
> <christopher.lemire at> wrote:
>> My contacts list in google (used for most google web apps, google
>> voice, gmail, etc.) is very messy. I could edit it through google on
>> the web, but that is tedious. I exported the contacts list in all 3
>> available formats. None are very readable or understandable. I'd like
>> to edit with vim (mostly in command mode) one of these files, and then
>> import it back into Google. I googled "edit cvs OR vcf with vim" and I
>> came up with unrelated search results, mostly CVS as in Control
>> Version System. Any thoughts? How can this be done?
> It's not cvs but csv as in comma-separated values.
> It might be easier to edit one of the csv files in OO, or at least
> prep it in OO because you probably have many unused fields/columns and
> then edit it with vi.
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I'm not sure what you are getting at? How does one edit something in
OpenOffice using vim. If the format of these files was a little more
clear, readable, then I would go ahead and use vim/gvim to edit them.
Perhaps there is some type of conversion for these files. I can
convert them to a better formatting for editing, and then when I am
done, convert it back and import the file back to google.

Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

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