Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Thu Oct 14 08:35:28 UTC 2010

2010/10/14 Nick Edwards <nick.z.edwards at>:
> Hi,
> Has anyone got this working from inside perl script successfully via cron ?
> It works fine if I run it by hand, but doesn't do anything via cron.
> strace shows connection reset by peer, but, tailing the server shows no
> connections.
> It is a key system and yes, I can happily ssh to the other pc without
> password or any prompting.

    As an additional check, could you try

env -i PATH="$PATH" sshfs root at lozza:/ /mnt/lozza

  from a shell and see whether it works ? Can you also try to dump
  the environment of the shell-script to check if something strange
  is happening...


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