How to report an installation issue?

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Oct 11 16:50:10 UTC 2010

On 10/11/2010 03:07 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 11/10/2010 20:08, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
>>> Question: how did you manage to get the Maverick installation on to
>>> an USB stick to be able to install 10.10 from an USB stick?
>> I have downloaded the Maverick ISO files while still running Lucid and
>> used Lucid's usb-creator-kde to get them on the USB stick.
> Being in my dotage years (ie, being past the "*-teen years" 
> classification, when anyone above the *teen classification knows 
> nothing, which is why teenagers are employed first because they know 
> everything :-) ), I *THOUGHT*, thought mind you, thought that I read 
> that there was a difference in the way an USB installation stick is 
> created in Maverick and that an attempt using Lucid will not create such 
> an installable USB stick using Maverick as the input - that is, you need 
> to use Maverick, and not Lucid, to create such an USB. But I may be 
> wrong..... Alas, I HAVE been known, sadly :-( , to be wrong.... :-) .

Burn your CD or create a USB drive
- tick USB & Ubuntu
- click "Show me how"
Nothing there indicates that you need to have Maverick already installed
to do it.

Perhaps what you were thinking is this:
Common Desktop Applications
    * It is not possible to create Ubuntu 10.04 USB disks from the
Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu 10.10 due to a backwards incompatibility
in the syslinux program.

That, I think, is a different issue.

@Marcelino: have a look through here & see if you can find a related bug:
(enter 'usb' in the search box)
If not, then

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