How to report an installation issue?

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Mon Oct 11 11:06:54 UTC 2010

On 11/10/2010 21:18, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
> Em segunda-feira 11 outubro 2010, Basil Chupin escreveu:
>> On 11/10/2010 20:08, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
>>> Em segunda-feira 11 outubro 2010, Basil Chupin escreveu:
>>>> On 11/10/2010 18:49, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 from a usb stick and the
>>>>> following message is displayed while the system is loading:
>>>>> "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"
>>>>> The boot process does not finish. I've googled this error, but
>>>>> have found only problems related to flat cables, faulty CD-ROM
>>>>> drives or faulty disks, which does not apply to my usb stick. I
>>>>> got this error with three different usb sticks, both with
>>>>> Kubuntu 10.10 32 bits install and Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits install.
>>>>> On the other hand, I can boot Ubuntu 9.10 with no problem from
>>>>> the same usb sticks.
>>>>> So, I would like to report a bug. However, how do I do that?
>>>>> ubuntu-bug requires me to have the system already installed. I
>>>>> could report from another system, but ubuntu-bug requires me to
>>>>> inform the package where I found the error. I don't know which
>>>>> program fails during installation, nor what package it belongs to
>>>>> (if indeed it belongs to a package) and even if I did, it
>>>>> certainly will not match the package with the same name in the
>>>>> system I would use to report the bug (if the package exists in
>>>>> this other system).
>>>>> So, how to file the bug?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Marcelo
>>>> Question: how did you manage to get the Maverick installation on
>>>> to an USB stick to be able to install 10.10 from an USB stick?
>>> I have downloaded the Maverick ISO files while still running Lucid
>>> and used Lucid's usb-creator-kde to get them on the USB stick.
>> Being in my dotage years (ie, being past the "*-teen years"
>> classification, when anyone above the *teen classification knows
>> nothing, which is why teenagers are employed first because they know
>> everything :-) ), I *THOUGHT*, thought mind you, thought that I read
>> that there was a difference in the way an USB installation stick is
>> created in Maverick and that an attempt using Lucid will not create
>> such an installable USB stick using Maverick as the input - that is,
>> you need to use Maverick, and not Lucid, to create such an USB. But
>> I may be wrong..... Alas, I HAVE been known, sadly :-( , to be
>> wrong.... :-) .
> Well, I didn't know about that, it's not mentioned in the release notes.
> I'll then burn a CD and live boot it on another system (the system where
> I was trying to install Maverick do not have a CD-ROM drive) and will
> create the usb stick from there. I'll post the results here later.
> []'s
> Marcelo
As I stated, Marcelo, I think that that is what I read in one of the 
posts here.

But, if you want to find something about whatever, a good place to start 
is to use

where you do a search on what you are trying to research, such as 
"maverick + XXXXX + YYYYYY", for example.


Went to a discount massage parlour the other day. Wasn't 'til I paid me money that I found out that it was self-service.

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