Install a library in a diferent adreess?

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Sat Oct 9 07:36:07 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 22:50 -0700, juan hernandez wrote:
> how can i install from source a library with the option make? 4
> example i installed a complement library: libsdl-mixer the lastest
> version library from source using the option:./configure make and make
> install but it is in other adreess =( i have all the library in
> /lib/sdl/  and mixer installed in /lib/local/sdl/ :S  the synaptic
> doesnt has the lastest version
> thank you in advance

Which is where it should be installed if you compiled it yourself, it
just makes management much easier. Anyways, to change the path you would
do prefix. EXP:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

^ The default prefix on most compiled software.

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