[10.10RC]-Window Titles Not Transparent???

Jesse Palser SLNTHERO at AOL.com
Sat Oct 9 00:58:07 UTC 2010

  On 10/08/2010 08:52 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> On 10-10-08 08:24 PM, Jesse Palser wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am on Ubuntu 10.10 RC 32bit Linux.
>> On 10.04, when an open window did not have focus
>> the top bar of window (title and Minize, Maximize, Close buttons)
>> was transparent.
>> I do not see this behaviour on 10.10.
>> Is there something I need to set to have this in 10.10?
>> Thanks!
> Are you using Compiz Window manager (also known as Visual Effects).
> Check your System ->  Preferences ->  Appearance Visual Effects tab.  If
> Visual Effects are not turned on, and can not be enabled, then check the
> Hardware Drivers application to verify that drivers for your video card
> are installed and enabled.

Visual Effects are enabled.
Any ideas?


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