[10.10RC]-Window Titles Not Transparent???

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Sat Oct 9 00:52:23 UTC 2010

On 10-10-08 08:24 PM, Jesse Palser wrote:
> Hi,
> I am on Ubuntu 10.10 RC 32bit Linux.
> On 10.04, when an open window did not have focus
> the top bar of window (title and Minize, Maximize, Close buttons)
> was transparent.
> I do not see this behaviour on 10.10.
> Is there something I need to set to have this in 10.10?
> Thanks!

Are you using Compiz Window manager (also known as Visual Effects).  
Check your System -> Preferences -> Appearance Visual Effects tab.  If 
Visual Effects are not turned on, and can not be enabled, then check the 
Hardware Drivers application to verify that drivers for your video card 
are installed and enabled.

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