Uninstalling Ubuntu to re-install

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Fri Oct 8 23:33:54 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 17:44 -0400, Tom H wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at envygeeks.com> wrote:
> >
> > According to my calculations (from the counter ~ which if the counter
> > isn't accurate it would of course throw me off) it will be released
> > around 11:00PM Saturday evening in the US.  The ticker on my site
> > changes between 9:00PM and 10:00PM my time.  Go check out the ticker
> > around 11:00PM East tonight and see for yourself :D
> Given how much Canonical/Ubuntu is into 10 at the moment, it's
> probably at 10 am/pm in one US time zone.

It changed at 6:00PM CDT.  I watched it change.  I'm assuming this means
it's a midnight release in the UK.  I happened to get lucky real lucky
when I saw it change.  And to think, I was hoping it would release at
10:10PM my time or 10:10AM in London.

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