Base 3.2.1 form > Record Search > wrong field identifier

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at
Thu Oct 7 04:51:21 UTC 2010

On Thursday 07 October 2010, NoOp wrote:

> Be sure that you identify that you are running an Ubuntu version of OOo
> as that version is based on the go-oo/novell builds and do differ from
> the standard OOo builds. You may be told to go ask on launchpad if it
> looks to be (U)OOo specific. However, you should still be able to get
> most, if not all questions answered via the above.

Or take a look at LibreOffice as they say they want to merge go-oo and 


"We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth, an there 
is a vast ignorance of science" James Lovelock

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