about new release which will be on 10th Oct

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Wed Oct 6 18:15:52 UTC 2010

jordon at envygeeks.com intoned:

> tl;dr, cute it took you a while to reply though. 

Yep, I have a real life and real work to do.

> I like how you tried
> to spin what I said around, that's also cute.
No spin at all; direct quotes /not/ out of context.
But, of course, you didn't read it.  Fallacy?

Interestingly, the very parts which /could/ have supported your obvious
falsehood have been snipped out of your reply.  Could it be because
they don't support it, after all?  It is easy enough for anyone
interested (although I can't imagine anyone would be) to re-read and
gather their own opinion of who said what and which viewpoint is true..

> If you can't be
> original just copy the other and elaborate, right?  

Don't know.  Don't do that.

> If it's one thing
> I learned from the US Government, and Congressmen, it's how to take
> things out of context.

Glad to find that you have learned at least one thing.

Cybe R. Wizard
Those who can make you believe absurdities
can make you commit atrocities.
    -Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

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