updatedb doesn't update

Jonesy gmane at jonz.net
Wed Oct 6 13:51:41 UTC 2010

On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 16:55:39 -0500, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> man updatedb says "updatedb is usually run daily by cron(8) to update
> the default database". But the updatedb on my ubuntu seems not
> updating at all.

If you power down your system daily, and it is off at the time `cron` 
would run the job for `updatedb`, it doesn't get updated ---
UNLESS, you have `anacron` installed.  `anacron` will run jobs that 
should have run back at time xx:xx but were not because the system was 
powered down.

  Marvin L Jones    | jonz          | W3DHJ  | linux
   38.24N  104.55W  |  @ config.com | Jonesy |  OS/2
    * Killfiling google & XXXXbanter.com: jonz.net/ng.htm

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