WTF (meaning Weird, True and Freaky - OK?) about KDE3

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Oct 5 11:04:05 UTC 2010

On 05/10/2010 04:34, NoOp wrote:
> On 10/01/2010 08:38 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> I have been using K3b for years to burn CDs/DVDs.
>> I have always used it to burn an ISO to a CD/DVD.
>> Today, I upgraded my wife's computer, running Ubuntu 10.04.1, and which
>> has a CD/DVD writer, and then tried to burn the Ubuntu 10.10 RC iso to a CD.
>> K3b refused to do it, coming up with an error of not being able to do
>> anything because somebody/someone didn't have the permission to write to
>> the CD/DVD, or some such nonsense.
> ...
> Perhaps look here?
> and maybe:
> [Can't burn ISO images.]
> is related?

Thanks for this. Doesn't really explain anything, for me at least, 
except to indicate that some sort of a problem with K3b goes back 3 or 4 
years now.

But I told a fib in one of my earlier posts: I wasted 3 CDs, not 2.

I always verify the burn of an iso in K3b. The first CD burn was OK 
except that during the verification stage suddenly K3b could not read 
Sectors . OK, I thought, a faulty CD. But the next 2 simply did not even 
get to the burning stage with K3b coming up with the error that I had no 
permission to use the damn thing - but looking at the inner ring on the 
CDs showed that something was written to the "directory". Which is when 
I switched over to Brasero and burned the iso of RC1.

Now that I have used it, I like Brasero but haven't yet looked at how I 
can configure it to verify a burn - if it will do so, that is.


"So where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?"
           Christina Aquilera

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