fucking samba on fucking 10.04

Kipton Moravec kip at kdream.com
Fri Oct 1 21:33:50 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 08:46 -0400, Dick Dowdell wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>         On 28 September 2010 12:09, Michael Kadzioch
>         <michael_kadzioch at gmx.de> wrote:
>         [snip]
>         Are you happy that when your grandchildren search the web to
>         find out
>         about your achievements they will find this post and it's
>         subject
>         line?
>         Colin
>         --
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> Michael,
> People might be more inclined to help you without the vulgarity.
> Regards,
> Dick Dowdell

My guess is that Michael's first language is NOT English, and he may not
be aware of how vulgar the F word is to most Americans, as it is used a
lot in American movies. 

So lets just correct his English and move on.

When I lived in Germany I took Ballroom Dance lessons and the female
dance coach would always use the term "ass" when talking to me in
English. As in "your ass is sticking out", or "lift your ass", or
"tighten the muscles in your ass".  After a couple of weeks I explained
that in this context, "behind" is probably a better word to yell across
the dance floor. 


Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . ..... .. -...

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain

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