No subject

Thufir Hawat hawat.thufir at
Fri Oct 1 02:54:19 UTC 2010

On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 05:23:20 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:

>> There seems to be a lot of spoofing going on over on gmail. I've been
>> hit, just had a friend hit. Anyone else? Ric
>      It is easy to get a throwaway address at gmail. The person has just
> one goal and that is to join this list and send one message. That is
> what GARY HYPES which is a throw away name, did. He can use this for
> many lists and then get another.

Is there some sort of financial reward, or something?  Seems alota effort 
compared to just, I dunno, not doing that.


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