unattended-update - still prompts for confirmation

ubuntu at cgi-net.ch ubuntu at cgi-net.ch
Wed Nov 24 14:50:45 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I'm running a client enevironment with about 60 clients.
Due to some local specification do we update our Ubuntu Lucid clients
regulary with the following command, which is called through a special

/bin/date >> $LOG
/usr/bin/aptitude update >> $LOG
/usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confold" --force-yes -fuy
upgrade -t $(lsb_release --short --codename)-security >> $LOG
/usr/bin/aptitude upgrade -y -t $(lsb_release --short --codename)-security
>> $LOG

Unfortunately does the script still prompt me if a configuration file is
being changed (just had it when installing the update for grub-pc)
Since I do not want to have Ubuntu prompt me on how I want to proceed with
the file, would I kindly appreciate if somebody could help me sorting this
out (to have a fully non-interactive update method).

I've also checked unattended-upgrade, but this utility wasn't working for
me (it did not run, when it was scheduled and it did not apply the options
as in the script above)

Please be aware that we only want the lucid-security updates being
installed - no other packages should go to the system

Thanks in advance for your help and all the best,
Simon Reber

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