/boot filesystem

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Mon Nov 22 15:25:42 UTC 2010

On Monday 22,November,2010 11:09 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> On 10-11-22 09:17 AM, Goh Lip wrote:
>> o   ext3 = ext2 + journaling
>> o   /boot would NOT be mounted after boot-up
> I suppose there's merrit to the idea of not mounting /boot, but wherever
> I've seen a boot partition used, /boot is always included in the fstab
> for mounting.  Otherwise, you would need a whole level of scripting in
> update utilities, like dpkg, update-initramfs and update-grub for them
> to know they need to mount/unmount boot.
Good point, Rashkae, and I know that /boot (if in separate partition) is 
in fstab.

If you are willing to risk amending your fstab (knowing you or Tom H can 
rectify it later  :)  ), try commenting out the /boot from the fstab, 
reboot and see if /boot is mounted. Also do an update-grub or intramfs 
and see what happens.

ps: my 'primary boot' partition is not mounted after boot-up (and not in 
fstab), and more importantly,I cannot do this as my 'OS /boots' are all 
in / and .. (I forgot.., stuck here, know there's one more point   :)  )

I have my bet, but let's save it till it's done.

Regards - Goh Lip

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