Evolution not able to connect to MS exchange

& Ru Chelladurai theunknownandrew at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 17:29:49 UTC 2010

Mark Widdicombe wrote "Evolution not able to connect to MS exchange" on Tuesday 
16 Nov 2010 at 10:45 pm
>  Could not locate server .
>  Make sure the server name is spelled correctly and try again.
>  Can anyone shed any light on this?

The culprit is usually the server name, example : my company's sever name is 
made public as geo.domain.name.com but in truth the server name is a string of 
alpha-num chars separated by periods something like a7cd.1mnq.x3yz.com

So just make sure you are entering the right one. and to be sure 
have a look at your OWA in these places




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