please tell me how to set up LAN

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Tue Nov 16 07:31:11 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM, yatheesh y <yatheeshlib at> wrote:
> I installed ubuntu as SERVER O/S. our clients operating system is Windows
> I want set up LAN for ten clients and  one printer
> What steps show i follow ?
What is the purpose of server that you have setup
do you
1) want to give internet access to client machines
2) what services other than (CUPS) you want your server to run.
3) use the server as a gateway between 2 different networks.

The answers of above questions will depend upon what you want to do.
I will try to tell you in short I hope you understand a little bit of

Give your server an IP (you can give any other IP as well
this is just an example)
since you have just 10 client machines on each of those give them IPs
client 1 computer IP
client 2 computer IP
and so on to 10 computers and in each of these client machines specify
the IP of server as gateway.

If you are planning to give internet access to the clients via this
Ubuntu server then you need to
install and study a package known as squid.

Now if you want to do file sharing between Windows and Linux systems
then read about Samba .
The question you asked does not have a definite answer unless you
specify what are you actually trying to achieve,
because setting up of LAN does not depends upon operating systems.
Windows and Linux or Mac all use TCP/IP
Here is a link
should help you.

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