Document viewer incapable of saving settings

Mark mhullrich at
Tue Nov 16 06:09:02 UTC 2010

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Mark <mhullrich at> wrote:
> I have now run into this enough times to complain.
> I routinely use evince for viewing pretty much any file that defaults to it
> for viewing, particularly PDFs.
> It opens every single document I view with the view set to "Fit Page Width."
> I've tried changing this and then clicking on "Save Current Settings as
> Default" but they *never* get saved, they *always* revert to "Ft Page
> Width."
> Am I missing something or is this just a known bug in evince?  (It worked
> back in GNOME 2.16....)
I've noticed this about more than one app so far - the calculator is
another one that refuses to remember what I set it to last time out -
another annoyance.

Was there a philosophical change that accounts for this or ...?


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