Desktop OS: To be or not to be...

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Nov 11 03:29:24 UTC 2010

On Thursday, November 11, 2010 03:06 AM, Smokin Chevy wrote:
> I think that there is some confusion here.  These are not high end video
> cards.  They were middle of the road cards two years ago.  This is not a
> gamer rig.  The SLI bridge is not installed.

Maybe installing the SLI bridge will get Twinview to work across all 

> I did not know that using more then two monitors was that unusual.  I
> know a few people who do and I personally have for many years.  I would
> have thought that Linux would have come up to speed on that by now.
> I have tried downloading the 260 driver directly from nvidia with the
> same result.
> I will swear by Ubuntu Server for my servers but the Desktop Edition
> does not seem ready except for simple desktops.  Now these limitations
> are pertaining to Linux, Xorg, and so on.  I just pick on Ubuntu because
> they are the closest of the distros that I am aware of to being
> mainstream desktop ready.

OH yeah. It is the only one that got itself preinstalled on a major PC 

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