File Sharing

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Thu Nov 11 01:35:07 UTC 2010

On 11/10/2010 07:24 PM, Mark wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Wade Smart<wadesmart at>  wrote:
>> Well, thats kinda what Im getting at.
>> If Im on ubuntu 1 I only see ubuntu 1's public folder.
>> I dont see ubuntu 2 and the same the other way.
>> Im not really sure how to get this file sharing to work on Ubuntu.
> I hear you, but not sure how to help with that.  I had the worst time
> just trying to mount my son's shared Windows drive across the router
> LAN (failed, though I was able to login via RDT and really tick him
> off for a few minutes....
> You may need to fire up samba on both boxes, although I would expect
> (and probably be disappointed) the share/network manager to handle
> that part automagically.
> Mark

Ah, Im glad Im not the only one having trouble with this. It seems easy 
for some and then others.... :D


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