CD/DVD no automount Lucid

Jonathan Dlouhy dlouhy55 at
Wed Nov 10 23:26:19 UTC 2010

OK, I've been Googling this ad-nauseum and still no love. I'm running 
Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit. CDs/DVDs will not mount after the system has been 
up and running for a few minutes. I have to reboot to get it to work 
again. If I load any DVD or CD it will mount at first but after a few 
minutes will wink out and I once again have to reboot. I've tried every 
rational-sounding fix I can find but no luck. Maverick doesn't have this 
problem but I have sound weirdness in Java apps with it... I have an 
ASUS P5ND2-SLI mb, two gigs of ram and an Nvidia 6200.


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