Age-old topic: Windows-Explorer lookalike, where the firetruck is it?

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Fri Nov 5 13:06:28 UTC 2010

On 11/05/2010 07:57 AM, KD wrote:
> No, I don't know how hard it is to type on an IPad. But why should I care (or 
> anyone else, for that matter)?
> You seem to imply that the IPad isn't the right tool when it comes to posting to 
> a mailing list. Nevertheless *you* chose to use it for this purpose. Therefore 
> it's *your* job to cope with it's limitations and not the job of all other 
> readers of this list.

Does anybody else find it a tad bit hilarious and ironic this ^ dude is
doing all this lecturing from a hotmail address?  Sorry, just leave me
to myself to chuckle.

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