How many bits are recommended?

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at
Tue Nov 2 05:39:15 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 02 November 2010 12:26:37 am Deryl R. Doucette wrote:
> If your machine is a 64bit machine, then run the 64bit version. If you
> need compatibility for 32bit programs there is the ia32-libs package:
> Description: ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems
>  This package contains runtime libraries for the ia32/i386
>  architecture, configured for use on an amd64 or ia64 Debian system
> running a 64-bit kernel.

What about 32 bit only drivers? I've got a scanner (Kodak)  that needs a 
proprietary 32 bit driver. Is there a way to get the driver to work in a 64 
bit distribution?


"We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth, an there 
is a vast ignorance of science" James Lovelock

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