Possibly OT: networking under VirtualBox

Mark mhullrich at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 02:06:26 UTC 2010

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Christopher Chan
<christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:
> Er...no, they are not marked for reuse. That only happens after they
> have been 'permanently' deleted
My mistake - you are correct, sir.

>>> As this is an Ubuntu list and not a Windows list I'll give you more
>>> details privately about all this if you ask for them.
>> Bravo - I think we've gotten a ways off-track here....
> Whatcha expect when vbox comes a calling?
A vbox discussion w.r.t. how well (or not) it provides the necessary
services on Ubuntu, or at least how Ubuntu runs in/under it.

But, as has been said here, Windows still runs on <way too high>% of
PCs out there....


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