Firefox not remembering options.

Johnneylee Rollins johnneylee.rollins at
Thu May 27 22:03:15 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
> On 05/27/2010 07:22 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Sorry i had to top comment because my net is down and i am using my
>> mobile to email.
>     There must be a way to bottom comment from your mobile.
> 73 Karl
It's not that important, especially if he's on a mobile device that
isn't that savvy to our ways.

Also, the command earlier was: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old
You didn't give the path of it's destination.

To the OP: follow NoOp's ways they are the surest way to fix your issues.


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