Can't add applets to panel in 10.04 :-(

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Sat May 15 09:33:46 UTC 2010

On Sat, 15 May 2010 11:21:41 +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:

> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:08:10AM +0000, Robert Spanjaard wrote:
>> On Sat, 15 May 2010 10:54:52 +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > 
>> > When I log into my freshly installed 10.04, I get two panels but am
>> > missing lots of applets which were existing in 9.10. In fact, only
>> > the menus on the left side exist. all the applets which were on the
>> > right side of the panels like the volume/wlan/battery/logout/clock
>> > applets are gone. I tired to add them manually via right-click and
>> > then choosing "add to panel" menu, but no matter which applet I
>> > choose to add, nothing happens. The "add" button only shows the
>> > visual effect that it was pressed, but none of the applets is
>> > actually added to the panel.
>> > 
>> > With such a panel, I am even not able to log off properly, since
>> > there is non logoff/shutdown knob in the panel.
>> > 
>> > Any ideas other than going back to 9.10?
>> Can you delete the panel? If that option is not greyed out, there must
>> be another panel somewhere. Maybe the applets are added to that hidden
>> panel.
> Well, in fact, there _are_ two panels , one at the top (containing the
> menus) and one at the bottom. Both panels were created at install, as it
> was in 9.10. But I can't add anything to both panles. I deleted now the
> bottom panel and can still not add anything to the top panel. Now, how
> would I recreate a new panel?

Right-click on the top panel, and select "New Panel".

Regards, Robert                            

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