PC does not recognize live CD

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Thu May 13 07:37:31 UTC 2010

Robert Holtzman さんは書きました:
> On Tue, 11 May 2010, chris wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 11:55 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
>                 .........snip.........
>>> In response to someones question about equipment.
>>> I used the same equipment for buring the "9.04" (which boots) and the
>>> "10.4" (or 9.10; which does not boot regardless of whether is has been
>>> burned at 48x or at 8x)
>>> Could it be, that the empty CD itself (brand) could be responsible??
>> Short answer yes.  There are some very flaky brands out there.
>> Generally Verbatim is ok, but I have come across some Verbatims that
>> were manufactured by some other firm that were terrible
> I have never had a problem with Sonys and generally stick to them.
I did try another brand (in this case "maxwell", that was the only one 
they had in the nearby store)
Written at 8x speed.
No improvement at all.

The computer still does NOT boot from 9.10 or 10.04 live CDs, but it 
does from the 9.04 CD.
This is not funny any more.

No offense, but I have never seen any such egocentric behavior in any of 
my DOS, WIN, Mac machines over the past 25 years.
What incomprehensible magic potion is required to work this miracle?

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