Ubuntu client authentication using Ubuntu (ebox) - Samba Server as pdc

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Thu May 13 00:41:28 UTC 2010

> Again thanks for your time.
> You mean to say that, where Samba is working as PDC, XP and Ubuntu are
> working as a client, users could not have the roaming profile, and they
> can not work seamlessly across any ubuntu and XP client.

My, oh my. You do not have any idea how Windows 2000/XP profiles work do 
you? You can attempt to put certain stuff in the same place like Desktop 
and 'My Documents' by mapping accordingly. How that mapping is done is 
different on Windows and on Ubuntu. You have to coordinate this to get 
things to appear on both Windows and Ubuntu.

> Any way, my Samba is working over ebox 1.4, where ldap is working as
> backend for samba.

Ldap? Great. Configure ldap for authentication and for the user 
information database I guess. That should leave you with the challenge 
of getting Ubuntu clients to use the same location as the XP clients' 
profile locations for users on Ubuntu.

> I don't have security exception, whereas user A can access to his home
> folder as well as public folder and same way user B.
> I am looking for the linux tools (as you said) which will authenticate
> the user at the time of logon itself (like wise in XP).

You need to mount the base directory of the profiles on the Ubuntu 
clients to achieve a similar experience for the XP clients and map 
accordingly on the Ubuntu clients.

Just what guide did you follow in setting up your PDC?

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