PC does not recognize live CD

Luis Paulo luis.barbas at gmail.com
Sat May 8 02:30:19 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp> wrote:
> I tried to disable "boot from CD" - did not succeed. There is no option
> allowing me to disable that item.
> burning via Linux: I tried that too. Apparently my not PC (used solely
> for experimenting with Linux) has only a CD-ROM = cannot burn any CDs.
> * Installing Linux on my desktop PC (currently Windows XP): the last
> time I tried that, it disabled my work machine and almost put me out of
> business.
> = NOT an option. I need to have my "production machine", as some people
> on this list like to call it, running.
> So far (I spent already 3 years trying to make this thing work!) Linux
> could not guarantee me that. (Probably I am just too stupid.)
> The downloaded live CD does not work.
> I cannot burn a new CD with a the Linux based computer I have.
> ALL other options so far have failed .
> Now what?
> "Just" (that seems to be a term many Linxu users are allergic to) forget
> about it and resign to being stuck with 9.04?
> Is that it?
> I am under the impression that this is for a software that is supposed
> to be "extremely user friendly", "simply works", "has no bugs"
> (the usual comments on this and many other Linux related lists) a
> somewhat poor performance, isn't it?
> Or am I missing something essential?
> As I said before, at least 10 different version of Linux (live CDs) can
> be booted from my Windows machines, but
> (maybe = did not try ALL disks I have) only TWO from a Linux based
> computer. The others simply show up as being "mounted"
> but don't do anything.
> But since TWO disks actually **DO** boot, the BIOS setting should be OK.
> If it is not and needs a 10-million character long programming job ...
> you know, all those difficult things your are supposed to enter at the
> "terminal" ...
> I am afraid that is way beyond my capabilities.
> It is 3 Am and I have enough for today. Sorry. Please excuse me.
> Good night

I do forgive you and I understand its late,
But unless you prove that many people is having your problem, it seems
that it is you that are not linux friendly, not the other way around.
It may "just" be an hardware issue, not you. On the other hand, it may be you.

Good night

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