VirtualBox issues after upgrade

J dreadpiratejeff at
Thu May 6 20:02:40 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 15:37, stan <stanb at> wrote:
> I have built a 10.4 machine, and installed the Sun version of Viru
> tualBox on it. I installed this as oposed to the OSE version as I could not
> get the OSE version to work corectly, and the Sun version has some nice
> things not yet in the OSE version.
> Now I have updated the machine using apt-get, which brought in a new
> kernel. Unfortunatley this has broken VirtualBox.

What kernel and what version of VBox are you using?

I'm running Sun VBox ver: 3.1.6 r59338
and kernel 2.6.32-21

and have no problems running it...

bladernr at klaatu:~/Downloads$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start
[sudo] password for bladernr:
 * Starting VirtualBox kernel module
                                                    *  done.

FWIW, I'm running 64 bit 10.04 LTS and the 64bit version of VBox...

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