can not add data to partion

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed May 5 04:11:34 UTC 2010

On 05/05/10 13:30, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Doing the last set of instructions still does not solve the problem,
> as the partition does not show in nautilus.  Gparted shows it and it
> is mounted.
> thanks!
> gary k

I did glance at your original post but did not respond to it as it 
seemed that the trouble you were having was different to what I had a 
while back. However, seeing as how you still have the problem perhaps 
this may be of help.

With XP installed (C - G on drive #1 and H - M on drive #2) and Linux at 
the end of each of the 250GB hard drives, I couldn't write to any of the 
windows partitions on drive #2 with anything windows -- I could write 
from Linux to those partitions but not from within windows itself. 
Couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on. Checked for 
permissions in windows etc but none of this solved the problem.

But I did see when using fdisk that I was getting a "funny" about how 
the last windows partition (M) looked in fdisk - something about 
overlapping beginning/ending sectors or something. Also, when using 
gparted it also gave me some curious output (cannot remember what now).

Anyway, the bottom line is: I remembered reading somewhere a while back 
that if you are going to partition for windows then use a windows 
application, and when formatting for linux use a linux application. What 
I then did was to copy over to an external HD all the data I had on the 
windows partitions G-M and everything Linux I had on that drive #2 as 
well, and reformatted the whole drive, partitioned it, formatted each 
partition - and the problem disappeared.

One other thing I also remember - and this is probably why I had this 
hassle to begin with - is that when I was ORIGINALLY partitioning drive 
#2 with G - M I left at the end of drive an UNALLOCATED space which I 
was going to use for Linux (for data storage). I somehow feel that this 
is what caused me all that trouble. From then on I always format that 
last partition in, say, FAT32 and then delete it and reformat it when I 
am installing Linux.

As I said, this may not be of help to you but you never know....... :-) .


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
                                                                     Galileo Galilei

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