TV on Ubuntu?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Tue Mar 30 10:41:44 UTC 2010

Hi G

If / When you find suitible software for this tell me because its the last 
thing I need before making the final jump to Ubantu, I do do what you want to 
do under windows (and without an outside arial, in the same area as you) I have 
not "YET" tried to run the windows driver/app under Wine, becaues Ubantu does 
not "seem" to see my PCI DVB-TV card, there are terestial & sat cards so 
whichever way you choose to go there is a card for you, I have not seen a USB 
Sat "dingle" but I bet there are a few

If you need any help (that will make a change its usually the other way :->) 
mail me 

On 30 March 2010 at 10:15, Graham Todd 
Enlightened me with this:-TV on Ubuntu?

>I wonder if anyone can help me make sense of the various applications,
>and their applicability in the UK.
>To start with, lets explain my problem.  We have Virgin-Media cable TV
>in our house: sometimes my wife will want to watch one channel on the
>cable setup with the TV.  At the same time, I'd like to set up my
>desktop PC to be able to receive other (cable) channels and record
>them. So the first question is: can this be feasibly accomplished, and
>if so, which software under Ubuntu is best (ie. easiest) to use, and
>what other hardware do I need?
>If its not possible to use the cable set up, Freeview or Freesat
>reception would be possible, providing the best (ie easiest) software
>to use would be available.  As far as hardware is concerned, I've seen
>some dongles on sale covering the DVB-T standard, through which I
>understand you can pick up Freeview - but what of Freesat?
>We do not have an exterior (rooftop) aerial and cannot erect a
>satellite dish (by our tenancy agreement) so I'd really like to connect
>via the internet.
>Can anyone point me in the right direction for compatible software and
>Graham Todd
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